Thursday, March 22, 2012

Eat like a local

Traveling alone or with company feels distant at times. A good way to feel comfortable and familiar with your surroundings is to eat like a local. Do what the locals do safely and you can and will feel at home when you are a million miles from away. Before you go, try to find a local food blogger/writer in the place you are traveling. Find out if this person can be a guide for you and your company. Set a time and place to meet, and "put the world in a bowl". You'd be surprised at how many people may think and feel the way you do. All of which can be explored via meals, the braking of bread, meals may spark conversions only imagined in fairy tales. Things people do and where they go and what they love may be parallel to your life. One top tip if I may, "Don't let fear limit your experiences".

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