Thursday, March 22, 2012

Eat like a local

Traveling alone or with company feels distant at times. A good way to feel comfortable and familiar with your surroundings is to eat like a local. Do what the locals do safely and you can and will feel at home when you are a million miles from away. Before you go, try to find a local food blogger/writer in the place you are traveling. Find out if this person can be a guide for you and your company. Set a time and place to meet, and "put the world in a bowl". You'd be surprised at how many people may think and feel the way you do. All of which can be explored via meals, the braking of bread, meals may spark conversions only imagined in fairy tales. Things people do and where they go and what they love may be parallel to your life. One top tip if I may, "Don't let fear limit your experiences".

Monday, March 19, 2012


Does travel change people? Can you really grow internally from the experiences gained from travel? Are there people who travel to feel alive? All of these questions are valid, and only answered by the one who seeks answers. As everybody knows by now I love traveling, anywhere I can dream I can go physically or mentally. If I can't make the physical journey I will make the mental journeyy. I can't wait to see the world in its entirety, tomorrow is waiting for me and I wont wait for it. Today is the day I grab the future and take a leap of faith. I know there are people with the same visions as I that haven't yet found true happiness. True happiness is meant to indulge and experience time and time again. Show me a road paved, dirt or gravel and i'll show you an adventure. Til next time travel often.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Good travel goes a long way.

In most cases people get the chance to travel one maybe two times a year. So the times that you do travel you should make them worth your wild. Choose your destination wisely and photograph each step to take. Choosing a destination that most fits you is a key part in enjoying your travels. Travel one step at a time, don't go on any adventure that you don't think you would feel comfortable. Work your way up to becoming a trill seeker, remember everybody isn't built the same. Some travelers may feel at home jumping off of a cliff or mountain biking through trails on the edge of a steep ledge. But for most, relaxation is the best way to travel. Most of all have the time of your life and make sure that the next trip is better than the last.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Where do you want to go?

People I know, before traveling tend to ask, where is the best place to go? “I want to have fun at a fare price. What do you recommend? My response is always “Travel in your own shoes”. I can tell them what places were great for me, but who’s to say that the places I recommend will be fun and adventurous for them. But if you adopt the concept of traveling in your own shoes I think people would feel more comfortable with being out of their comfort zone. To me traveling is all about comfort, “too much of it, and your experience will most likely be not as memorable”. Not enough comfort and you wont even get on the plane. Traveling in your own shoes helps you find that sweet spot, the difference between having the time of your life and being unfulfilled. Travel for YOU, and you will be in bliss!